Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Cats in sunsets

Checking to see if comments returned! Cats are so cool!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Figure Drawing, heads only

Ink and watercolor wash, watercolor crayon and wash followed by 3 ink drawings and a 3 layered collage. My profile, links, and archives are at the bottom?? I have not "comment" on the last few posts, if you'd like to comment I guess you could on a post that still has comments?

Saturday, February 09, 2008

EDM challenge # 4 Draw your cup and Quick Sketches

I have been drawing, painting or working in wire EVERYDAY! I've been so inspired by Anita Davies, Jane Fazio, Plain Jane, Rozworks.com and the everyday painters http://www.dailypainters.com/, their drawings paintings and posting so often ! Here is my Draw your cup challenge in wire, a new wire head and a small mobile. After looking at Roz's dot a day sketches of her dog, (they go on for years) I did my constant companion Sadie. The cat and birds are very quick sketches, I've found, a series of quick sketches will help more in learning structure than one long drawing. Now I need to work on posting more often! My profile and links are still at the bottom??