Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cast Glass Skulls Big Adventure

My cast glass skull which will be part of  OneMillionBones came home for a visit.  Check out my Face Book for more of the Glass skull's big adventure   Check out Aug. 6th post for casting process and more information.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Bone Casting with Rob Morey for "One Million Bones"

There is an evolving national project One Million Bones  That Rob Morey  /  and some glass artists decided to contribute to.  Click on title or wax skulls below to see our cast glass skulls in process!  I'm happy to be involved in this, it has been a great learning experience!  Thank you to Rob and all the other Artists and educators that have put there time and energy to bring awearness to genocide happening in our world today. Click on the One Million Bones link above for more information!